I work with an International youth group all adults have to maintain their annual Adult Certified Volunteers status in order to volunteer to work with these girls. When the girls join the organization both the girls and her parents attend a meeting and the rules are set out very clearly we do not tolerate: there is a long list they get it in writing at the end is one sheet the daughter, parents and ACV will sign it and this will go in the permanent file.
A couple points in particular that is made very clear in this list is no daughter is ever to be alone with an adult. Never is there to be a one on one situation. We have very successful sleepovers all the time. They are truly a blast, sleepover well skip that part that says "sleep" that part never seems to happen!! LOL
If the organization is run properly with rules in place and proper adult supervision you can have a super great time with the kids and zero incidents. And that is why I still enjoy these teenagers when I am 65.